Receive the staff report for Leigh Subdivision located at 5S275 and 5S311 Naperville/Wheaton Road - PZC 18-1-114 (Item 1 of 6)
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Gabrielle Mattingly
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered PZC 18-1-114 on December 19, 2018; one member of the public spoke in opposition of the proposal stating that the proposed 50' wide lots did not fit in with the character of the neighborhood and raised concern regarding water and sewer. The petitioner responded stating the properties to the south are unincorporated and that the proposed water and sewer alignment has been reviewed. The PZC voted to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning of the Subject Property to R3A (Approved, 8-0). Staff concurs.
The subject properties are located on the east side of Naperville/Wheaton Road, just south of Ogden Avenue, with a common street address of 5S275 and 5S311 Naperville/Wheaton Road. The northern property, 5S275 Naperville/Wheaton Road, is approximately 23,000 sf and is currently improved with a single-family home which is proposed for demolition. The southern property, 5S311 Naperville/Wheaton Road, is approximately 22,000 sf and is currently vacant. Both properties are in unincorporated DuPage County and were recorded as Lots 9 and 10 in Block 4 of DuPage Farms with a 30' platted building line.
The petitioner, Naperville Wheaton LLC, is requesting annexation, approval of an annexation agreement, rezoning upon annexation to the R3A zoning district (Medium Density Multiple-Family Residence District), and approval of a preliminary plat of subdivision in order to develop 4 single family detached homes.
Annexation and Rezoning
The subject properties are located within the study area of the Plank Road Study (2010). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the future land use of unincorporated area...
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