Pass the ordinance amending Title 1 (Administrative), Chapter 11 (Comprehensive Plan) of the Naperville Municipal Code to adopt a new Land Use Master Plan as presented - PZC 19-1-134
Pass the ordinance amending Title 1 (Administrative), Chapter 11 (Comprehensive Plan) of the Naperville Municipal Code to adopt a new Land Use Master Plan including a modification that reclassifies the future land use for the properties immediately west and northwest of the Plank Road and Naper Boulevard intersection to Neighborhood Center - PZC 19-1-134
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Amy Emery, AICP and Sara Kopinski, AICP
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) has conducted two public hearings (March 4, 2020 and January 15, 2022) regarding the proposed Land Use Master Plan. At the January 15, 2022 hearing the PZC recommended approval finding the updated document addressed their initial concerns (vote 8-0).
In 2018, the City Council directed staff to prepare an update to the City's comprehensive plan. This action was taken following the review of several development projects in which the proposed use was inconsistent with the adopted future land use for the property. The situation was attributed to the fact that Naperville's Comprehensive Plan, first adopted in 1960, with multiple sub-area plans and implementation tools subsequently approved over the last 10-25 years, is outdated.
The Land Use Master Plan (Master Plan) will generally serve as the single reference tool to guide land use and development in Naperville; however, certain areas of the community are addressed through recent and ongoing planning efforts that are complimentary to the direction of the Master Plan including the Downtown 2030 Plan, recommendations of the ongoing 5th Avenue Study, the North Central College Campus Master Land Use Plan, Naperville Sustainability Pla...
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