File #: 25-0244    Version: 1
Type: Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/18/2025 In control: Transportation Advisory Board
On agenda: 3/13/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve a recommendation to modify parking restrictions on Main St. between Van Buren Ave. and Jefferson Ave.
Attachments: 1. Existing Main St. Parking Restrictions As Signed, 2. Existing Main St. Parking Restrictions Municipal Code, 3. Main St. Parking Recommended Modifications, 4. Main St. Parking Draft Ordinance, 5. TAB - Main Street Recommendation DNA Input
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Approve a recommendation to modify parking restrictions on Main St. between Van Buren Ave. and Jefferson Ave.

DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development

SUBMITTED BY: Sydney Smith, TED Project Manager

City staff received a request from a business on Main St. to increase the number of short-term parking spaces on the west side of Main St. between Van Buren Ave. and Jefferson Ave. to support delivery and carry out business.

On-street parking on the east side of Main St. is currently signed as 2 spaces for Multi-use Loading (15-minute passenger vehicle/30-minute commercial vehicles) and 7 spaces for 2-Hour parking. The west side of Main St. is signed as 9 spaces for 2-Hour parking and 2 spaces for 15- minute parking. See the exhibit for reference.

Staff evaluated this request and observed commercial vehicles utilizing the No Parking zone on Van Buren Ave. for deliveries and passengers from vehicles parked in the Multi-Use Loading zone crossing Main St. to businesses located on the west side of Main St.

It is standard practice in the downtown for Multi-use Loading zones to be located at the end of a city block in the direction of traffic. However, the current location of the signed Multi-Use Loading zone on the east side of Main St. is not directly adjacent to any businesses due to the location of the Van Buren parking lot.

Staff also identified discrepancies between parking restrictions in the Municipal Code and signed parking restrictions on Main St. See the exhibit for reference. These discrepancies are likely due to changes made to on-street parking on Main St. not being updated in the Municipal Code following the completion of the Downtown Streetscape project.

Staff recommends moving the Multi-Use loading zone on Main St. to the west side of the street to better support businesses and changing the existing Multi-Use Loading zone to 2-Hour ...

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