Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 24-301, In-Ground Structures, to Wesco Inc. for an amount not to exceed $759,470
DEPARTMENT: Electric Utility
SUBMITTED BY: Brian Groth, Director
In support of the City's priority to provide infrastructure and utilities that are reliable and safe, the Electric Utility (Utility) installs and maintains transformers and switchgear throughout the City as vital equipment for the electric grid. Vaults placed in the ground provide structural support for the equipment and allow cables to be run and connected to the transformers and switchgear. Handholes are also required to allow access to the underground cable for installation and splicing purposes. These "boxes" are purchased as a complete structure from suppliers.
Vaults and handholes are installed at the time of construction and are replaced due to aging or damage as needed. As part of the Utility's ongoing asset management program,
inspections of these structures have identified several vaults and handholes that are damaged or failing and are in need of urgent replacement.
The Utility purchases in-ground structures throughout the year for both new construction projects and to replace damaged or failing structures that have reached the end of useful life.
This request represents the estimated number of units that the Utility requires to support its operations over the next 12 months. As is the case with other materials, these items have seen significant cost increases in the past few years and lead times have increased. As such, staff recommends placing larger orders at one time to secure the needed material and not impact installation schedules.
Staff has identified an approved cooperative contract, Sourcewell Cooperative Contract
091422-WES through Wesco, for the procurement of the underground structures.
Purchase and delivery of these items will occur as needed throughout the next 12...
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