Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 20-317, 2020 Traffic Signal LED Replacement Program, to Electric Conduit Construction Company for an additional 19 calendar days
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, Director
City Council awarded Contract 20-317 to Electric Conduit Construction Company on October 6, 2020 with a completion time of 90 calendar days after catalog cut approval. The purpose of this contract is to replace the LED lamps and do related work on traffic signals at 37 intersections and to install a new pedestrian signal at the intersection of Washington Street and Van Buren Street.
This change order is requested to provide the contractor with the additional time needed to safely complete the work without incurring liquidated damages. The catalog cut approvals were sent to the contractor on November 16, 2020, so according to the specifications, the work is supposed to be completed by February 14, 2021.
Due to the lead time involved with ordering the materials, the contractor had to wait approximately 1 month to receive the materials before being able to start the work. The 90 calendar days provided by the specifications also included several holidays and the recent onset of winter weather. For the safety of the contractor's workforce and the traveling public, work should not be performed during inclement weather or when the roadways are snow-covered. Work efficiency and safety can also be compromised by working in very low temperatures. For these reasons, staff supports approving the contractor's request for an extension. The contractor's letter requesting the extension due to winter weather is attached.
The amount of this change order exceeds/decreases the original contract amount by $0 and increases the original contract expiration date by 19 calendar days. The new completion dat...
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