Conduct the public hearing to consider the requested variances to the Naperville Municipal Code for the property located at 1019 E Ogden Avenue PZC 23-1-126
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Adam Beaver, AICP Candidate, Community Planner
1. A variance to Section 6-9-3:5 (Schedule of Off-Street Parking Requirements) of the Naperville Municipal Code to reduce the number of required drive through stacking spaces from 12 spaces to 9 spaces and to reduce the required number of spaces between order and pick up from five to three.
2. A variance to Section 6-9-3 (Schedule of Off-Street Parking Requirements) of the Naperville Municipal Code to reduce the number of required parking spaces from 29 to 14.
3. A variance to Section 5-10-3:5.2 (Landscaping and Screening) to reduce the required parking lot perimeter landscaping.
4. A variance to Section 6-9-6:2.1.1 (Supplemental Standards for Drive-Through Stacking Lanes) of the Naperville Municipal Code to reduce the required drive through setback from 40 feet to approximately four feet six inches.
5. A variance to Section 6-2-10:1 (Accessory Buildings, Structures, and Uses of Land) of the Naperville Municipal Code to reduce the required setback for an accessory structure from five feet to two feet.
Official notice for the public hearing for PZC 23-1-126 was published in the Naperville Sun on Sunday March 31st, 2024.
The subject property is located on the north side of E Ogden Avenue between Charles Avenue and Vest Avenue and is zoned B3 (General Commercial District). The City's Land Use Master Plan identifies the future land use for the subject property as City Corridor. The existing B3 zoning and the proposed fast food restaurant use are consistent with the City Corridor designation in the Land Use Master Plan. The 0.448 acre property is currently ...
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