Approve a request from Indian Prairie Community Unit School District No. 204 to initiate consideration of an amendment to Section 7-3-5 (Dedication of Park Lands and School Sites or For Payments in Lieu Of) of the Naperville Municipal Code applicable to SD204 Land Cash donations
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Allison Laff, AICP, Deputy Director
None required (amendments to Title 7 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the Naperville Municipal Code are not reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission)
The City has received a request from Indian Prairie Community Unit School District No. 204 ("SD204") to amend the generation tables of the City's Land Cash Ordinance as further discussed herein. As noted in the "Other Districts" summary later in this memo, the proposed amendment would apply only to SD204 school donations.
History of the Land Cash Ordinance
In 1972, the City of Naperville passed an ordinance requiring developers to dedicate land, or fees in lieu of land, to serve the immediate and future park and school needs of the residents of a proposed development; this ordinance is codified in Section 7-3-5 of the Naperville Municipal Code and is commonly referred to as the "Land Cash Ordinance". The Land Cash requirements are a condition of approval of a final plat of subdivision or final PUD plat for proposed residential developments in which a net increase in buildable lots is proposed.
Structure of the Land Cash Ordinance
The adopted Land Cash Ordinance utilizes a generation table to estimate the number of residents which will be generated by a new development. The generation numbers vary based on type of development (detached single-family; attached single-family; or apartments), as well as the number of bedrooms proposed within those unit types. The generation tables were last updated in 2005.
For the required school do...
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