Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 19-012, Biosolids Roof Restoration, to Garland DBS for an amount not to exceed $124,847, plus a 5% contingency
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Mark Curran, Interim Director
Water Utilities staff in conjunction with Public Works staff solicited the services of Garland/DBS Inc., a vendor with a U.S. Communities cooperative contract, to assess the condition of all roofs and building envelopes at the Springbrook Water Reclamation Center (SWRC). With the assistance of Garland, staff was able to develop a maintenance plan moving forward to extend the life of the roofs in acceptable condition and replace roofs nearing critical condition. The City Council previously approved the award of Contract 18-191 to replace and repair roofs at four buildings in immediate need at SWRC. Garland has performed well on this project and the work was completed in November 2018.
The Biosolids Processing Building is located at SWRC and has a physical address of 3648 Plainfield/Naperville Road. The roof area is approximately 9,850 square-feet. The assessment noted above found the Biosolids Processing Building roof did not need replacement; however, restoration work and minor repairs are necessary to maintain the integrity and prolong the life of the roof.
The restoration work consists of applying a liquid structural membrane to the surface of the existing roof. The roof has survived its expected life of 20 years and by performing the restoration, it is anticipated the life can be extended another 10 to 15 years at less than half the estimated cost of a full replacement. The potential for a second restoration will be evaluated after the 10-year warranty expires, which would again compound savings versus replacement. In addition to the roof restoration, the repair work includes the replacement of the access hatch f...
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