Approve the award of Change Order #2 to Contract 16-173, Leaf Disposal Services, to BioAg, and Contract 18-146, Leaf Disposal Services, to Tri-County Excavation and Construction, Inc., and to Steve Piper and Sons, for an amount not to exceed $2,740 and a total award of $285,236
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
The Department of Public Works (DPW) manages the City's annual bulk curbside leaf collection program. To aid residents with leaf disposal, the City provides two leaf collection options:
1. a free bagged leaf program from the end of October through mid-December, and
2. the popular six-week bulk curbside leaf collection, which provides residents in Naperville with three opportunities each season to rake their leaves curbside for pickup and disposal by DPW. The bulk collection program is intended to augment, not replace, the bagged program and enhance leaf removal options for the community.
DPW currently has two disposal methods for leaves. The first disposal method, Contract 16-173 to BioAg, has leaves picked up by City crews and hauled to designated local farmland. The second disposal method, Contract 18-146 to Tri County Excavation and Steve Piper and Sons, has leaves collected by City crews and then hauled out of the area by contractors for composting.
Since both contracts are interrelated, staff recommends combining the awarding of future option years for both Contract 16-173 and 18-146 so that funds can be allocated to both contracts as the need arises.
Leaf Disposal on Local Farm Fields (Contract 16-173):
Historically, most of the leaves picked up by City crews have been hauled to designated local farmland. However, as the availability of new local farm fields has become scarcer over the years, the City has contracted with a third party to spread, treat, and till the leaves into the curren...
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