Adopt the resolution authorizing approval of certain relief from Section 6-16-5 related to the Ogden Avenue Pole Sign Grant Program
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Gabrielle Mattingly, AICP
Ordinance History
Pole signs are defined as a type of ground sign which is supported by a pole structure extended from the ground. While pole signs have largely been prohibited in the City since the early 2000s, an exception was created for Ogden Avenue whereby pole signs remained a permitted improvement. However, in 2008, new pole signs were prohibited Citywide by code amendment, including along Ogden Avenue, and all pole signs in existence at the time were deemed existing non-conforming structures.
Adopted Incentives to Remove Pole Signs
While pole signs have been prohibited along Ogden Avenue since 2008, approximately 49 existing non-conforming pole signs were identified along the East Ogden Avenue corridor in 2018.
In 2018, the City Council discussed incentives to eliminate pole signs along the East Ogden Avenue corridor (from Washington Street to the City's eastern boundary). Based on general support for incentives to encourage the voluntary removal of non-conforming pole signs along the corridor, the City Council approved $30,000 in funding in the 2019 budget to create an Ogden Avenue Pole Sign Replacement Grant Program. Additionally, at the June 4, 2019 meeting, the City Council passed resolution 19-024 granting authority to the Zoning Administrator to administratively approve relief from Section 6-16-5 (Signs on Commercial and Institutional Property) for all sign projects submitted along the East Ogden Avenue Corridor that include the voluntary removal of non-conforming pole signs.
Staff has continued to include funding in the annual budget to support the Ogden Avenue Pole Sign Replacement Grant Program. However, the a...
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