Approve the award of Option Year One for Bid 22-016, Lift Station Force Main Inspection, to RJN Group, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $184,500
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
The Water Utilities operates and maintains 23 wastewater lift stations in the sanitary collection system. Part of the system includes a pressurized sewer pipe, called a force main, that conveys wastewater under pressure from a lift station(s) to a discharge manhole in the collection system.
Force main condition assessment is complicated because they typically are not part of redundant systems and cannot be easily taken out of service for a detailed inspection. Visual inspection of sewer force mains is difficult because of the nature of effluent, which often makes them opaque to a CCTV camera inspection.
In January 2022, the Water Utilities issued Bid 22-016, Lift Station Force Main Inspection. The work included reviews of all available data and records for the listed lift stations and force mains, a field reconnaissance visit to observe the lift stations and force mains in operation, and an internal inspection of the force mains using the PICA Piper inline screening technology. The PICA Piper is set to monitor these defects:
1. Detect leaks
2. Spot air pockets with potential H2S damage in wastewater lines
3. Confirm min/max pipeline elevation locations
4. Find major deposits and debris that increase hydraulic losses
5. Measure pressure differentials indicative of bore restrictions
6. Detect gross changes in metallic pipe thickness
The inspection results will be reviewed, and recommendations made for further studies, inspections, cleaning, repairs, or rehabilitation to the force mains
In March 2022, the Council approved Bid 22-016 to RJN group to perform internal pipe condition assessment of four sanitary lift station force mains for a...
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