Pass the ordinance approving a conditional use in the B3 district and variances for a Casey's automobile service station located at 1420 E. Ogden Avenue - PZC 21-1-130
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Allison Laff, AICP, Deputy Director
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) considered the conditional use request and variances for Casey's at the May 4, 2022 meeting and recommended approval of the requests (approved 7-0). Staff concurs.
The 1.4-acre subject property is currently occupied by an automobile service station with a car wash. The B3 zoning district classifies automobile service stations as a conditional use. The petitioner proposes to demolish the existing automobile service station and car wash and redevelop the property with a new convenience store and fueling station. The demolition triggers the requirement for the petitioner to seek and obtain conditional use approval for construction of the new automobile service station. The car wash will not be replaced.
The Land Use Master Plan (2022) identifies the future place type of the property as "Urban Center." Staff finds the petitioner's proposal to be consistent with this designation.
Conditional Use
The B3 zoning district classifies automobile service stations as a conditional use. Staff's analysis of an automobile service station on the subject property considers zoning classifications and land uses in the surrounding area, the existing land use of the subject property, and consistency with the Land Use Master Plan. The Land Use Master Plan identifies the future place type of the property as "Urban Center." Gas stations are identified as an example of a primary use in Urban Centers.
Due to likely intense activity within an Urban Center, the Land Use Master Plan encourages appropriate screening and buffering to mitigate any negative impacts on adja...
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