File #: 19-942    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Passed
File created: 9/26/2019 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/5/2019 Final action: 11/5/2019
Title: Approve the award of Sole Source Procurement 19-284, Superion Software Maintenance and Support, to Superion, LLC for an amount not to exceed $350,511.79 and for a one-year term
Attachments: 1. Sole Source Letter

Approve the award of Sole Source Procurement 19-284, Superion Software Maintenance and Support, to Superion, LLC for an amount not to exceed $350,511.79 and for a one-year term

DEPARTMENT: Information Technology

SUBMITTED BY: Jackie Nguyen, Director


Superion has been the provider of the City's primary Public Administration ("Naviline") and Public Safety ("CAD/RMS") software applications for various services and functions since 1994. The City uses 19 separate modules for Public Administration and 46 modules for Public Safety.

Major Public Administration ("Naviline") applications include:
* Permits, Licensing, Code Enforcement
* Planning and Zoning
* Cash Receipts, Accounts Receivable
* GMBA (Accounting)
* Purchasing/Inventory
* Customer Information System (Utility Billing)
* Work Order/Facility Management
* Human Resources
* Payroll/Personnel

Major Public Safety ("CAD/RMS") applications include:
* Computer Aided Dispatching used by Police, Fire and 911 Dispatch
* Records Management Incident Reporting and Field Reporting used by Police
* Warrant tracking, Arrest and Booking, Case Management
* Property & Evidence Management
* Accident Management
* Firehouse Incident Reporting used by Fire.

Public Safety support also includes application integrations such as:
* Mobile Application Software
* Mapping Software
* Electronic Fingerprinting Systems
* State of Illinois Law Enforcement Agency Data System

In 2017, the City selected Tyler Technologies to provide a modern SaaS solution for the Public Administration capabilities and has been making steady progress toward migrating the capabilities from Naviline to the Tyler systems. The Financial, Purchasing and Budgeting modules as well as the HR and Payroll/Personnel modules have been successfully migrated to Tyler Munis. As more functionalities are migrated to Tyler systems, staff continuou...

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