Approve the award of Bid 25-010, Water Tank Exterior Cleaning, to B&N Capital Suppliers for the amount not to exceed $168,458.47 and for a five-year term
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
The Water Utilities operates and maintains seven elevated water towers and one elevated standpipe. These critical assets are used for water storage and to maintain water pressure throughout the entire water supply/distribution system.
The Water Utilities has created a water tank cleaning schedule that follows American Water Works Association (AWWA) recommendations to clean and inspect the exterior of the water storage tanks at least every three years or more frequently if local conditions warrant it.
Cleaning the exterior of elevated water towers is important to maintain the structural integrity of the asset by preventing damage from accumulated dirt, algae, and mildew, which can break down the paint and lead to rust. Cleaning the towers ultimately extends the lifespan of these assets while ensuring the quality of the water supply by preventing potential contamination from exterior buildup. Cleaning also improves the aesthetics of the towers by keeping them looking clean and well-maintained.
In January 2025, the Water Utilities issued Bid 25-010, Water Tank Exterior Cleaning. The purpose of this bid is to clean the exterior of two-three elevated water towers annually.
Advertisement Date: January 6, 2025
Opening Date: January 27, 2025
Notices Sent: 373
Plan Holders: 22
Proposals Received: 3
Bids received from the following vendors:
Vendors Name
Proposed Cost
B&N Capital Suppliers
National Wash Authority Inc.
Engineer's Estimate
Tecorp Inc.
B&N Capital Suppliers is recommended for the award as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for preventive maintenance work.
The te...
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