Approve the award of Bid 21-015, North Pump Station Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Phase 4, to Michel's Corporation for an amount not to exceed $969,777 plus a 3% contingency
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
The North Pump Station sanitary sewer interceptor transfers wastewater from the north and central portions of the city to the North Pump Station at 1200 W. Ogden Ave. In 2018, the Water Utilities began sanitary sewer rehabilitation work on this critical asset to improve structural integrity and reduce groundwater from entering the system. Work included lining the interceptor with cure-in-place pipe (CIPP) and lining all manholes with a structural epoxy spray liner. There are four phases scheduled for the project.
In January 2021, Water Utilities issued Bid 21-015, North Pump Station Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Phase 4. The contract will rehabilitate 2,648 feet of existing 30-inch and 36-inch sanitary trunk sewer by installing resin-saturated felt CIPP lining cured with steam, hot water and UV light. The finished product is a monolithic structural pipe formed to the existing host pipe. The contract also includes rehabilitation of 15 sanitary sewer manholes in conjunction with CIPP lining.
The North Pump Station Sewer Interceptor Phase 4 project is part of the City's IEPA required 10-year wastewater collection rehabilitation plan, as well as the IEPA required 10-year infiltration and inflow reduction plan to reduce wastewater backups during heavy rain events.
Advertisement Date: 1/22/2021 Notices Sent: 153
Bid Opening Date: 2/09/2021 Planholders: 16
Proposals Received: 3
Proposals were received from the following vendors:
Vendor Name
Proposed Cost
Michels Corporation
Engineers Estimate
Insituform Technologies USA, LLC
Hoerr Construction
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