Approve the Award of Sole Source Procurement 17-187, SunGard Public Sector Software Maintenance and Support, to Superion (formerly SunGard Public Sector) for the Public Administration and Public Safety modules for a combined amount not to exceed $348,229.90.
DEPARTMENT: Information Technology
SUBMITTED BY: Jeff Anderson, Director
Superion is the provider of the City's primary Public Administration ("Naviline") and Public Safety ("CAD/RMS") software applications.
Major Public Administration ("Naviline") applications include:
* Building Permits
* Cash Receipts
* Continuing Property Records
* Fixed Assets
* GMBA (Accounting)
* Land/Parcel Management
* Accounts Receivable
* Occupational Licenses (used by the City Clerk's Office for issuing licenses for electrical contractors
* scavenger services, etc.)
* Payroll/Personnel
* Purchasing/Inventory
* Customer Information System (Utility Billing)
* Smart Metering
* Real Time Pricing
* Work Order/Facility Management
* Code Enforcement
* Planning and Zoning
* Global Financials
* Human Resources
* Document Management
* Click2Gov on-line Building Permit modules
* Enterprise query tools.
Major Public Safety ("CAD/RMS") applications include:
* Computer Aided Dispatching used by Police, Fire and 911 Dispatch
* Records Management Incident Reporting and Field Reporting used by Police
* Firehouse Incident Reporting used by Fire.
Public Safety support also includes application integrations such as:
* Mobile Application Software
* Mapping Software
* Electronic Fingerprinting Systems
* State of Illinois Law Enforcement Agency Data System
There are over 20 separate modules that are used in the records management system from warrant tracking to case management to arrest and booking that are critical for law enforcement operations.
Per the conditions of the software maintenance contract, the City is provided with upgrades to the so...
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