Pass the ordinance granting a deviation to the 35' platted building line for the property located at 426 S. Columbia Street - PZC 21-1-005
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Gabrielle Mattingly, Community Planner
The petitioner, Christopher Derrick, on behalf of the owner Bakir Doriwala, is proposing to deviate from the 35' platted building line in order to construct a single-family residence at 426 S. Columbia Street. The property is currently zoned R1B (Medium Density Single-Family Residence District) and was recorded as Lot 29 and the south half of Lot 30 of the Arthur T. McIntosh and Company's Naperville Highlands in 1926 with a 35' platted building line. The 13,029sf lot is currently improved with a single-family residence and attached garage and is generally located on the east side of Columbia Street, south of Porter Avenue.
Staff concurs.
The petitioner intends to demolish the existing single-family residence and build a new single-family residence located 30' from the front property line, which is in compliance with the property's R1B zoning requirements. However, a 35' setback was platted on the subject property through the underlying subdivision plat. Per Section 7-1-13 (Platted Setback and Building Lines) of the Naperville Municipal Code, "where a platted building or setback line is in conflict with the required yard provisions of Title 6, Zoning Regulations, of this Code, the more restrictive requirement shall apply." Accordingly, improvements on the subject property must comply with the 35' platted setback line, unless a deviation is granted.
The request is to permit the proposed side load attached garage to encroach 5' into the platted building setback line. The total encroachment is limited in size at approximately 134 sf (26.71' by 5'). As noted by the petitioner in the submitted response to standar...
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