Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 23-205-0.01, 2023 New Sidewalk Program, to Triggi Construction, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $35,056.67 and a total award of $287,656.75
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, P.E., Director of Transportation, Engineering and Development/City Engineer
The City Council awarded Contract 23-205 to Triggi Construction, Inc. on October 3, 2023, with a completion date of May 15, 2024. Following up on the Comprehensive Sidewalk Plan, the purpose of this contract is to improve walkability throughout the City.
This contract is the first year of the three-year program approved by the City Council in July 2023. In addition to the four new sidewalk locations, the contract also included a major modification of the existing sidewalk on the southeast corner of 6th Street and Webster Street to address an accessibility issue and eliminate stairs in the public right-of-way.
This contract was approved with a 5% contingency in the amount $12,028.58 of the original contract value. The remaining contingency available is $12,028.58. This Change Order is being requested to authorize additional funds in the amount of $35,056.67 beyond the contingency. Staff requests funds in addition to $12,028.58 in order to pay for additional work necessary to meet accessibility and grading requirements.
Three of the locations (6th Avenue & Webster Street, Washington Street, and West Street) involved areas with significant elevation changes. The installation of more curb retaining walls than anticipated was needed to ensure ADA compliance, properly meet existing parkway grades and avoid impacts to adjacent vegetation/landscaping. Grading revisions also involved additional parkway restoration areas. Lastly, additional curb and gutter needed to be replaced at various locations to ...
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