Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Work Order 17-122-TED-2101, Columbia Street Final Engineering Plans, to Thomas Engineering Group, LLC for an amount not to exceed $4,076.81 and a total award of $115,637.60
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, Director
City Council awarded Work Order 17-122-TED-2101 to Thomas Engineering Group, LLC on April 7, 2021. The purpose of this contract is to have Thomas Engineering perform Phase 1 Engineering and prepare preliminary construction plans to bring Columbia Street up to city standards.
A kick-off meeting was held on April 13, 2021 between TED, DPU-W, and Thomas Engineering. The purpose of the kick-off meeting was to discuss the scope of work and certain completion dates. During the meeting, DPU-W requested that the new water main be extended to Ogden Avenue. Since the original scope of work included having the boundary limits of road improvement only go as far north as Monticello Drive, this required an additional topographic survey on Columbia Street from Monticello Drive to Ogden Avenue. Other additional information that was needed included utility data collection and preparing a utility plan sheet in order to replace the existing water main from Monticello Drive to Ogden Avenue.
CIP #: SC019, WU004
Columbia Street Engineering Plans are expensed to the Architect and Engineer Service and Infrastructure accounts listed below. This work is related to SC019, Columbia Street: Monticello Drive to Fifth Avenue/Plank Road, of which $120,000 was budgeted for Engineering in 2021, as well as WU004, Water Distribution System Rehabilitations/Replacements, of which $3,850,000 was budgeted for in 2021. The requested change order is within the budgeted amount for this expense.
Account Number
Fund Description
Total Budget Amount
Water Utilities ...
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