Consider two options for an amendment to the City's municipal code pertaining to the local sale of dogs and cats and conduct the first reading of the corresponding ordinance amending the Naperville Municipal Code.
DEPARTMENT: Legal Department
SUBMITTED BY: Kristen Foley, Senior Assistant City Attorney
At the December 17, 2019 City Council meeting, under New Business, several Council members discussed the sale of dogs and cats in local pet stores and directed staff to provide Council with three items for its consideration: (1) a summary of any likely state legislation regulating dog and cats sold in pet stores; (2) an ordinance prohibiting the sale of dogs and cats sourced from commercial breeders in local pet stores; and (3) an ordinance incorporating into the City's code standards proposed by the Humane Society of the United States to the USDA for commercial breeders of dogs and cats.
Summary of State Legislation Regulating Animals Sold in Pet Stores
Several local legislators have introduced legislation attempting to ban the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores from commercially sourced breeders without success. In 2018, Senator Connelly filed SB 2280 prohibiting all pet stores in both DuPage and Will County from selling animals from commercial breeders. The bill was referred to committee and no further action was taken. In February 2019, Representative Karina Villa filed HB3620 creating a statewide ban on the sale of commercially sourced dogs and cats. The bill was also assigned to committee and no further action was taken.
Staff sent two separate emails to the six state senators and seven state representatives representing Naperville asking if (1) they were aware of any pending state legislation pertaining to the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores, (2) if they had any plans to introduce or sponsor such legislation and (3) if not, why. The fol...
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