Approve the award of Change Order #2 to Cooperative Procurement 22-080, Units 326 and 381 (Technical Rescue Team Truck and Trailer) and Unit 356 (Mobile Command Center), to LDV, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $1,742 and a total award of $1,088,436
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
Unit 356 is a mobile command center used by the Fire Department to run incident command at large-scale emergency responses and special events.
Unit 356 was reviewed and approved by the Fleet Economic Committee and Fleet Services Manager for replacement in the 2022 budget. On April 5, 2022, City Council awarded Cooperative Procurement 22-080 to LDV, Inc. for the purchase of Units 326 and 381, & Unit 356. Unit 356 is a 2023 Freightliner M2 chassis with dry van body Mobile Command Center specified to function as a multi-department incident command post.
In June 2022, the City Manager approved a change order in the amount of $6,623 to accommodate forward-thinking changes to the specification requested by Fire Department personnel.
To meet the operational function as a multi-department incident command post and reduce the risk of permanently installed hardware devices that may become outdated well in advance of the vehicle lifecycle, staff will primarily use mobile devices (e.g., computers and radios) when running incident command on the vehicle.
In June 2023, IT recommended technology changes, including using shielded Category 6 ethernet cable (rather than standard Category 6 ethernet cable) to address security and EMI interference concerns. Given the operational use of the vehicle, these changes are necessary.
CIP#: VEH002
Fire Department vehicle replacements are expensed to the Vehicles and Equipment account below. Units 326, 381, and 356 were apart of the 2022 CIP vehicle replacement list and as a result were not budgeted in ...
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