Approve the Award of Bid 17-075, Electric Utility Distribution, to Meade Electric Company, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $9,578,988.09, plus a 3% contingency and for a 19 month term.
DEPARTMENT: Electric Utility
SUBMITTED BY: Mark Curran, Electric Utility Director
This contract is a unit price bid and includes furnishing all labor, equipment and tools necessary for installation and maintenance of the underground and overhead 12kV-34kV electric utility facilities including: fiber optics, street lights and directional boring. Work is performed in easements and right-of-ways and includes residential, commercial and road sites. The majority (93%) of infrastructure for the Electric Utility is located underground.
Initial projects currently planned for this contract period include:
o Capital Maintenance Projects:
* University Heights, Brook and Springbrook Crossing-Cable Replacement
* Bailey/Naper - Circuit Rebuild
* Crestview Knolls - Circuit Upgrade
* Chicago Ave E 1290 - Replace 4/0 primary
* Oswego Thornapple - Circuit Rebuild
* Ogden and Columbia - Intersection Improvements
* Osmose poles - overhead pole replacement
* System repairs/replacements due to failures
o Capital Projects (New Development):
* Atwater Subdivision Phase 2
* Hobson Charleston Subdivision
* Handifoil Expansion
* Point Blank Range
* Metro Storage
* New Residential Services and Service Relocations
At least 90% of capital costs associated with new development are recouped through the Facility Installation Charge (FIC) fees.
This work will continue to be completed through a combination of Utility crews and the contractor. Our Utility crews continue to concentrate on the customer sensitive and day to day operation of the utility (customer service calls, outage restoration, residential half powers, street lighting maintenance, smaller new development and maintenance work) the cont...
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