Approve the award of Bid 22-021, Park Addition Water Main Replacement, to Copenhaver Construction Inc. for an amount not to exceed $4,515,317 plus a 3% contingency
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
In February 2022, Water Utilities issued Bid 22-021, Park Addition Water Main Replacement. The project includes Center Street, Ellsworth Street, Brainard Street and Loomis Street from 5th Avenue to Ogden Avenue. The project also includes the replacement of the storm sewer on Ellsworth Street from 5th Avenue to 7th Avenue.
The purpose of the project is to replace aging and functionally deficient water mains in the Park Addition subdivision. Water mains vary in size from four inches to 10-inches. The bulk of the existing water main is cast iron installed in the 1930s, with segments of poor-quality ductile iron pipe installed in the 1960s and 1970s. Four and six-inch pipes will be upsized to eight-inch pipes and 10-inch pipes will be upsized to 12-inch pipes in accordance with City standards.
The storm sewer on Ellsworth Street is being upsized to a 30-inch pipe to improve stormwater conveyance and drainage characteristics of the area.
Advertisement Date: 2/24/2022 Notices Sent: 297
Bid Opening Date: 3/16/2022 Planholders: 30
Proposals Received:|910|
Bids were received from the following vendors:
Firm Name
Total Costs
Copenhaver Construction Inc.
Engineers Estimate
Swallow Construction Corporation
The low bid for the project is 7.8% greater than the engineer's estimate. The discrepancy can be attributed to the following factors:
* material shortages
* labor shortages
* generally high rate of inflation
* international political and economic uncertainty
While costs are greater than anticipated, it is not in the best interest of Water Utilities to cancel, delay or re-bid ...
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