Approve the award of Bid 22-027, Large Diameter Water Meter Testing and Repair/Replacement Services to, HBK Water Meter Service, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $605,750 and for a three-year term
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
In December 2021, the Water Utilities issued Bid 22-027, Large Diameter Water Meter Testing and Repair/Replacement Services. The contractor will provide testing and repair or replacement services for large-diameter (1.5-inch and larger) water meters located on the premises of both commercial and residential utility customers, including the testing and repair of three-inch rental hydrant meters.
Testing and replacement of large-diameter water meters are on a routine schedule in compliance with the American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards for meter testing frequency and to ensure accurate measurement of the water used by our largest customers. Fair and accurate billing of large accounts helps ensure fair and accurate water rates for all of our customers. There are approximately 3,000 testable water meters at various locations throughout the City. Most are located in commercial or multi-family residential buildings. Staff anticipates performing approximately 2,248 large-diameter water meter tests and 128-meter replacements over the three-year life of this contract.
Advertisement Date: 12/06/2021 Notices Sent: 51
Bid Opening: 12/21/2021 Plan holders: 11
Proposals Received: 3
Bids were received from the following vendors:
Vendors Name
Proposed Cost
Engineers Estimate
HBK Water Meter Service Ins.
Water Resources
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc.
The engineer's estimate was lower than bid pricing due to the current economic situation created by increased labor costs.
In-place water meter testing and repair requires a hig...
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