Approve the award of Bid 21-014, MSI Inspection and Condition Assessment of the Springbrook Interceptor, to RedZone Robotics Inc. for an amount not to exceed $165,689.95
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
The Water Utilities Springbrook interceptor is one of two IEPA permitted sanitary sewer interceptors in Naperville and has operated since 1975 and this will be the first interior inspection of the Springbrook interceptor to determine the pipe and manhole conditions.
On a daily basis, this critical asset transports 8.5 million gallons of wastewater from the north, northwest and central portions of the city and the entire City of Warrenville to the Springbrook Wastewater Reclamation Center.
Multi-sensor internal (MSI) inspection combines closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspection with sonar and laser technologies to provide a condition assessment of the entire interceptor, including debris amounts under the existing water levels. Also, all manholes along the Springbrook interceptor will be inspected with 3D scanning to determine the condition of each manhole.
In January 2021, the Water Utilities issued Bid 21-014, MSI Inspection and Condition Assessment of the Springbrook Interceptor. The vendor will provide a multi-sensor internal inspection of approximately 26,397 linear feet of the Springbrook interceptor. This work includes advanced pipeline assessment of the existing 24-inch, 36-inch, and 42-inch diameter reinforced concrete (RCP) sanitary interceptor sewer pipelines. Also, processing of the multi-sensor inspection data and full delivery of the data in digital/electronic, video and hardcopy report formats are included with the project. Along with the MSI inspection of the Springbrook interceptor pipe, this bid also includes 3D scanning of 66 sanitary manholes.
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