Pass the ordinance granting a variance to the sign requirements in order to construct a new ground sign for the property located at 1564 West Ogden Avenue - PZC 20-1-054
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Kathleen Russell, Community Planner
The PZC conducted the public hearing for PZC 20-1-054 on August 5, 2020. At the conclusion of the hearing, the PZC recommended approval of the requested variance (vote 7-1); staff concurs.
The subject property is located at 1564 West Ogden Avenue, and consists of an approximately 2.4-acre dealership with frontage along Ogden Avenue and Jefferson Avenue. The property is zoned B3 General Commercial District.
The petitioner requests approval of a variance for a ground sign advertising the Fair Oaks Lincoln dealership. Additional details regarding the sign proposed are outlined below.
Along Ogden Avenue, there is an existing ground sign located near the western entrance of the dealership. The existing sign is currently a non-conforming sign in terms of height, area and landscaping. The petitioner proposes a new sign in the current monument sign's location. The proposed sign would be an improvement to the style, by having a wider base and landscaping around the bottom of the sign. The proposed new sign will increase in height by 7.5 feet and an increase in the area by 106 square feet compared to the existing ground sign. The proposed sign will have the address number included at the bottom of the sign as indicated in the petitioner's letter.
There average area of the surrounding dealership ground signs is 112 square feet and the average height is 22 feet, based on the information on surrounding dealerships provided by the petitioner.
To complete these improvements, the petitioner is seeking approval of the a variance to Section 6-16-5:2.2 (Ground Signs) to allow an increase in th...
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