File #: 23-0223    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/22/2023 In control: City Manager Procurement Awards
On agenda: 3/1/2023 Final action:
Title: Approve the award of Work Order 22-114-3, Trillium Lift Station Rehabilitation Design Project, to Ciorba Group, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $94,758 plus a 3% contingency
Attachments: 1. Trillium Lift Station Engineering Services Quota Request, 2. Ciorba_22-114_TrilliumLiftStation_REV, 3. WW059
Related files: 22-0347
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Approve the award of Work Order 22-114-3, Trillium Lift Station Rehabilitation Design Project, to Ciorba Group, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $94,758 plus a 3% contingency

DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities

SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director

In February 2022, the Water Utilities issued RFQ22-114, Engineering Consulting Services for Water Supply and Sanitary Lift Stations. The work requires consultants to complete engineering services for water supply, stormwater pump station, and sanitary lift station capital improvement projects. The RFQ established a shortlist of qualified consultants. The shortlisted firms are available for services on a variety of projects for a two-year period.

Per the RFQ document, for future projects, vendors are selected based on qualifications and/or cost depending upon the complexity of the projects. The term of the RFQ contracts is two years from the execution of the master services agreement and up to five one-year options to extend. The following four consultants were shortlisted as a result of this process:
a. Baxter & Woodman, Inc.
b. CDM Smith, Inc.
c. Ciorba Group, Inc.
d. Fehr-Gram & Associates, LLC

In January 2022, the Water Utilities issued Quotation Request 22-114WO#3 Trillium Lift Station Rehabilitation Design to the above-shortlisted consultants. The scope of work includes field survey, engineering design, and construction services for the Trillium Lift Station Rehabilitation. The proposed improvements include replacing two current submersible pumps and their associated accessories, replacing an electrical traffic box, installing a new meter vault, and repairing an existing upstream sanitary manhole.

Advertisement Date: 1/17/2023 Notice Sent: 4 pre-selected consultants
Bid Opening Date: 2/17/2023 Proposals Received 3

Vendors Name
Proposed Costs
Fehr Gram

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