Approve the award of RFQ 22-114, Engineering Services for Water Supply and Sanitary Lift Stations, to Baxter & Woodman, CDM Smith, Ciorba Group, and Fehr Graham for future projects and a two-year term
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
In February 2022, the Water Utilities issued RFQ 22-114, Engineering Consulting Services for Water Supply and Sanitary Lift Stations. The work requires engineering consultants to complete engineering services for water supply, storm water pump station and sanitary lift station capital improvement projects.
The RFQ will establish a shortlist of qualified consultants. The shortlisted firms will be available for services on a variety of projects for a two-year period. The Water Utilities anticipates the potential need for services on a variety of future CIP projects including the following:
1. Upgrades and rehabilitation of existing waterworks facilities, emergency standby wells, structures, and processes, including controls and electrical equipment.
2. Upgrades and rehabilitation of existing sanitary sewer lift stations and pump stations, including forcemains, controls and electrical equipment.
3. Upgrades and rehabilitation of existing storm water pump stations, including forcemains, controls and electrical equipment.
4. Analysis of existing system and future improvements of the water supply and wastewater collection systems utilizing computer modeling software. Software shall include, but may not be limited to, InfoSWWM and WaterGems.
Advertisement Date: 1/26/2022 Notices Sent: 280
RFQ Opening Date: 2/25/2022 Planholders: 45
Proposals Received:|99|
Proposals were received from the following firms:
Applied Technologies Baxter & Woodman
CDM Smith Ciorba Group, Inc.
Fehr Graham IMEG Corporation
Strand Associates, Inc.
A selection team comprised of ...
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