Approve the award of Bid 23-005, 2023 Micro-Surfacing Program, to Microsurfacing Contractors, LLC for an amount not to exceed $848,845.25, plus a 3% contingency (Item 1 of 2)
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, Director
The other related item on the City Council agenda is:
* 23-0362 - Adopt an IDOT resolution in the amount of $827,625.25 to allow expenditure of state motor fuel tax dollars to fund the 2023 Micro-Surfacing Program
Roads are vital to our community and ensuring the road network functions efficiently and safely is a top City priority. Preservation programs like the annual Micro-Surfacing Program help extend the useful life of the pavement. Not only does the micro-surfacing help to preserve the roadway, but it also plays a crucial part in protecting the roadway base from water. When water enters the roadway, it causes the existing pavement to fail much sooner than normal, resulting in the expenditure of additional funds, just to keep the roadways in a serviceable condition.
As part of this year's program, the contractor will apply a high-density mineral bond to the cul-de-sacs located in the subdivisions scheduled for micro-surfacing. The high-density bond significantly extends the life of the pavement, costs less, and continues to yield a better finish than the micro-surface in cul-de-sac applications.
In March 2023, the Transportation, Engineering and Development (TED) Business Group issued Bid 23-005 seeking a contractor to perform micro-surfacing and thermoplastic marking removal and replacement in various locations. This year's program will micro-surface and restripe approximately six miles of roadway. The streets included in this year's program are highlighted on the attached map.
State motor fuel tax (MFT) will fund most of the award at $827,625.25 The remaining $21,220 will be funded ...
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