Approve the recommendation to implement the proposed changes to the Renewable Energy Program
DEPARTMENT: Electric Utility
SUBMITTED BY: Lucy Podlesny, Director
The Public Utility Advisory Board (PUAB) approved (3-0) staff recommendation for the phased in modifications to the program.
Renewable Energy Program - The Beginning
In 2004 the City Council approved the Renewable Energy Program. This program is a way for electric utility customers to monetarily support renewable energy. This support comes in the form of a payment of $5 per 200kilowatt hour (kWh) and is added to the participants' utility bill.
Renewable energy generators, such as solar and wind farms, produce both electrons and renewable energy certificates (RECs). Electrons are the electricity flowing in the wires from the generator to an outlet (equivalent to water in the pipes coming to a faucet). A REC is a certificate representing the number of electrons produced by a renewable energy generator and is given a dollar value. For more details view a short video here.
The electric utility purchases and retires RECs equivalent to the amount of renewable energy kWhs supported each year. The current Renewable Energy Program is comprised of 99% wind and 1% solar RECs. The City has purchased approximately 12,777,200 kWh in RECs, or $27,800, annually over the last five years.
Expanded Renewable Energy Program
In 2012, the program expanded to provide a single grant up to $50,000 for non-residential customers with a total grant program maximum of $150,000 per year. The intent of the grant was to incent individuals to measurably increase renewable energy usage, displace fossil fuels, develop community education opportunities, and to support recurrent projects.
Since 2014 the program has granted $317,500 for nine projects. Recipients have included North Central College, Naperville Park District, Midwest Sports a...
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