Approve the award of Bid 21-186, Bridge and Retaining Wall Handrail Maintenance Program, to Crossroad Construction, for an amount not to exceed $140,250, plus a 5% contingency
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, Director
In February 2021, the Transportation, Engineering and Development (TED) Business Group issued Bid 21-056, Bridge and Retaining Wall Handrail Maintenance Program, to improve the handrails at three locations. The City received a total of one bid, from MSY Incorporated at a cost of $520,000, and requested it be rejected since only one bid was received and the proposed cost was substantially higher the engineer's estimate of $150,000. In April 2021, the request to reject all bids was approved by the Finance Department.
In April 2021, TED re-issued the contract under Bid 21-186, Bridge and Retaining Wall Handrail Maintenance Program, for the same three locations. Details of the two bids received are in the Discussion section below.
The City maintains handrails at 37 locations throughout the City, which are found on bridges, retaining walls, culverts and bicycle paths. The handrails are composed of various materials such as steel, aluminum, chain link fence and wood and have various coatings of paint, powder coating, and galvanizing applied. The conditions of the handrails vary from very poor to very good. In 2020, the City started a Handrail Maintenance Program with the goal of improving the condition of the handrails that are in poor condition and 11 locations were improved last year. Three larger locations will be improved in 2021.
The handrail maintenance industry is a small and very specialized field. Many contractors know how to install new handrails. However, there are only a limited number of contractors that know how to properly repair and paint handrails due to special paint processes ...
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