Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 15-181, Multi-Functional Copiers Cost-per-Copy Phase I, to Canon Solutions America, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $8,178 for a total contract award of $632,495 and for an additional three months
DEPARTMENT: Information Technology
SUBMITTED BY: Jacqueline Nguyen, Director
City Council awarded Contract 15-181 to Canon Solutions America, Inc. (Canon) on September 15, 2015 for a multiple phase cost-per-copy program for copiers. The purpose of this contract is to provide multi-function copiers to several City departments as well as to complete support and maintenance on the vendor-owned machines as needed.
The copier contract is broken out into four, five-year phases where machines are upgraded to current technology upon initial installation at the beginning of the phase. The City does not own the machines, however pays a cost per color and black copy. This cost per copy includes all supplies, maintenance and lease costs. The end of the first phase is December 2020 and does not allow for renewals, therefore a new contract is required.
This change order is requested to extend the term of the first phase of the current contract to allow for staff to complete a new multi-phase City contract based on a cooperative with Canon, which has taken longer than anticipated. Staff is refining mutually agreeable terms and conditions with the awarded vendor consisting of phases mirrored after the City contract currently in place. Pricing related to this cooperative is more competitive than what the City could realize by competitively bidding out the services. The request to award of the cooperative contract will be brought before Council in the first quarter of 2021.
Cost-per-copy programs is expensed to the operating supplies account listed below. A total of $120,000 has been allocated to this item in ...
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