Pass the ordinance approving a variance related to the proposed ground sign at 1479 W Ogden Avenue (Napleton Porsche Service Center) - PZC 23-1-066
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Brad Iwicki, Assistant Planner
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) considered PZC 23-1-066 on September 20, 2023, and recommended approval of the request (approved 6-0). Staff concurs.
The subject property is located at 1479 W Ogden Avenue. The property is 4.345 acres and is to be improved with an automobile service center and an associated parking lot. The property is zoned I Industrial District.
The petitioner requests approval of a variance for a ground sign advertising the Napleton Porsche Service Center. Details regarding the proposed sign are outlined below.
The subject property, west of W Ogden Avenue and south of the BNSF Railway, is vacant and currently does not feature any signage. Per the petitioner, it is situated near an underpass, limiting the property's visibility for vehicles traveling southbound on Ogden.
Section 6-16-5:2.2 (Ground Signs) of the Naperville Municipal Code limits the maximum ground sign height to 10 feet. The proposed ground sign is approximately 20 feet tall and is planned for installation along W Ogden Avenue at the southern portion of the lot. The ground sign complies with the other applicable sign regulations in terms of square footage, setbacks, design, illumination, and landscaping. It is a monument style sign with a white aluminum sheet base and structure that is characterized by a molded Porsche crest and text that reads "SERVICE", which will both be internally illuminated. The proposed sign will have the address number included near the base as indicated by the petitioner.
The petitioner indicates that the taller, more visible sign will help ensure vehicles traveling southbound ...
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