Approve the award of Option Year One to Contract 19-256, Parking Deck Consulting Services, to Walker Consultant for an amount not to exceed $90,000
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
In 2016, the City established CIP Project MB160, Downtown Parking Deck Maintenance Program, as a multi-year capital project to ensure the central business district (CBD) parking decks are maintained as a sustainable asset in Special Service Area #26. The Central Parking, Van Buren and Water Street parking decks were built in 1987, 2001, and 2015 respectively. Per an assessment completed in 2017, these decks require repair, renovations, and ongoing maintenance. In August 2019, the Department of Public Works awarded RFP 19-256, Parking Deck Consultant Services, to Walker Consultants, an engineering firm with expertise in parking decks, to provide design, bidding assistance and construction management services for City parking deck projects of various size and scope.
During the initial three-year term of the contract, Walker Consultants completed the engineering for the renovation of and lighting upgrades for the Central Parking Facility. In addition, they completed a full assessment of all municipal parking facilities and created a report of their findings as well as a five (5) year plan for renovation and maintenance.
The report categorizes the recommended work, by location, into immediate action, near-term (1 to 2 years) and medium term (3 to 5 years). The renovation of both the Van Buren Parking Facility and the driving surface of the lower level of the Municipal Parking Deck is in the near-term category of recommended work. As such, Walker Consultants completed the engineering drawing and documents for the work at these project locations. The plan is to bid and complete these projects in 2023.
Based upon the vendor's performance,...
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