File #: 22-0698    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Passed
File created: 6/1/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/21/2022 Final action: 6/21/2022
Title: Approve the disposition of surplus property, Unit 332 - 2009 International Medtec Ambulance, by donation to Ukraine
Related files: 20-1019, 20-1019B




Approve the disposition of surplus property, Unit 332 - 2009 International Medtec Ambulance, by donation to Ukraine



DEPARTMENT:                     Fire Department


SUBMITTED BY:                     Chief Mark Puknaitis





Unit 332 was replaced in 2020 and approved for trade-in to Foster Coach for $7,000.


On October 6, 2020, staff requested the City Council waive the applicable provisions of the Naperville Procurement Code and award the Surplus Donation of Unit 332, 2009 International Medtec Ambulance, to Naperville Sister City, Cancun, Mexico. The item failed by a 5-4 vote.


Under Public Forum on October 20, 2020, several speakers voiced support to donate the ambulance to Cancun. At the same meeting, under New Business, Councilman Kelly made a motion to reconsider the donation request at the next City Council meeting. The motion passed by a 8-1 vote.


On November 4, 2020, the City Council approved the donation of the ambulance to Cancun by a 7-1 vote.



The City of Naperville still has Unit 332. Complications due to the COVID-19 pandemic and political changes within Mexico have impeded the City of Cancun’s ability to take possession of the ambulance.


The Naperville Fire Department has identified an opportunity to donate the ambulance to Ukraine, instead of Cancun, at no cost to the City of Naperville. Resources available to the Sister Cities Commission and the Rotary Club of Naperville will cover all costs to transport the ambulance to Ukraine.



The ambulance would be sold at auction if not donated. Recent ambulance auction value range is $10,400 to $16,601.