Pass the ordinance approving a setback variance for a one-story garage addition at 1415 Heatherton Drive - PZC 24-1-021
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Anna Franco, Community Planner
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered PZC 24-1-021 on April 3, 2024, and recommended approval of the request (approved 8-0). Staff concurs.
The property is zoned R1-A (Low Density Single-Family Residence District) and is located at 1415 Heatherton Drive. The petitioners are Matthias and Sonia Jezek, 1415 Heatherton Drive, Naperville, IL 60563. The subject property is approximately 0.35 acres in size, with the primary dwelling unit fronting the north side of Heatherton Drive and driveway access provided off the corner side yard from Farrington Court. As depicted on the attached site plan, the subject property is a uniquely shaped corner lot with a rear yard designated along the north property line.
The petitioners, Matthias and Sonia Jezek, are proposing an approximately 266 square foot, one-story, garage addition at the north side of the single-family home as illustrated in the attachments. This addition serves to provide one additional interior garage space to the single family-home, for a total of three interior garage spaces. The petitioner is requesting approval of a variance from Section 6-6A-7:1 (Yard Requirements) of the Naperville Municipal Code to allow the proposed garage addition to encroach up to 12 feet 3 1/8 inches into the 30-foot required rear yard. Staff notes the garage addition is not parallel with the rear property line and that the setback of the proposed addition varies depending on where it is measured from. The proposed addition encroaches approximately 12 feet 3.5 inches into the required rear yard when measured from the west side of the addition, and approximately 10 feet 9.5 inches when measured from th...
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