Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 20-012, Strategic Planning Consultant Services, to Shockey Consulting for an amount not to exceed $10,320 and a total award of $134,840 (Item 2 of 2)
DEPARTMENT: City Manager's Office
SUBMITTED BY: Marcie Schatz, Deputy City Manager
The City Council awarded Contract 20-012 to Shockey Consulting on December 1, 2020 to partner with an experienced and qualified firm to guide City Council, DLT, community members and other stakeholders in the execution of a comprehensive visioning process, facilitation of engagement exercises and development of an updated three-year strategic plan.
Also at its December 1, 2020 meeting, the Council stressed the importance of encouraging input from the entire community and not just those that are technologically savvy. Council also stated that should the pandemic situation change, an option to extend the project should be explored.
A change order is requested to modify the initial contract terms based on project evolution and, in response to the lifting of COVID-19 gathering restrictions, add funds to allow for two in-person meetings with the community in September. A recorded on-demand option of the meetings will also be provided.
To align with Council direction, and pivot as COVID-19 restrictions have been relaxed, the contract will be modified as follows:
Reduce/eliminate - $6,680:
* $3,680 eliminated - staff-facilitated engagement efforts with the community
* $3,600 reduction - "Pulse Panel" Zoom meetings eliminated, however online community engagement activities and feedback opportunities will remain
Addition - $17,000:
* Travel for three members of Shockey Consulting
* Two, consultant-facilitated community meetings (Municipal Center and a south Naperville location TBD), prepare and print meeting materials, provide detailed summary document
* Recorded on-demand mee...
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