Approve the award of Procurement 22-353, Engineering Services for Ogden Avenue (Ogden Substation to Eagle) Overhead Line Conversion, to Primera Engineers for an amount not to exceed $65,240
DEPARTMENT: Electric Utility
SUBMITTED BY: Brian Groth, Director
The Electric Utility (Electric) has a long-term strategic goal of converting 100% of its 12kV overhead distribution lines to underground. Underground lines provide storm resiliency and improved reliability.
Electric is actively applying for federal grant funding to support this goal of undergrounding approximately 27.5 miles of distribution lines. Grant applicants who demonstrate "shovel ready" projects score higher on the applications. To improve on this aspect of the application, Electric management has given the go ahead to start engineering design on some of the conversion projects.
In February 2022, the City Council awarded RFP 22-100, Transmission & Distribution Engineering Services, to Primera Engineers to offer supplemental engineering services to the Electric Utility on an as-needed basis for capital improvement and other projects.
Per the terms of the master services agreement, Electric staff requested a proposal to perform engineering design services to convert overhead electric lines on Ogden Avenue from the Ogden Substation to Eagle Street. This project will convert approximately 4,600' of single circuit and 1,200' of double circuit overhead 12kV lines to underground.
The scope of the engineering services includes design, project management, and construction support services. Staff has confirmed Primera's proposal is in accordance with pricing and terms agreed to within the master services agreement.
CIP#: EU087
This is a part of EU087 which is budgeted in the below Infrastructure account, the account has a total of $15,096,000 budgeted for 2023. While project EU087 has $7...
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