Approve a Recommendation to Establish Overnight Parking Exemptions for the Coach Houses of Old Sawmill
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Sydney Smith, Transportation Project Manager
The City of Naperville Municipal Code Section 11-2A-8 prohibits on-street parking between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.
The City has received concerns regarding compliance with this ordinance, particularly in multi-family developments that lack adequate off-street parking accommodations.
In 2022, City Council approved the Overnight Parking Program to address this concern. Participating developments are issued passes (hangtags) that exempt residents from the All-Night parking ordinance. This program requires active participation by the Homeowner’s Association to administer the program and manage hangtag distribution. The details about this program can be found in attachment 1.
The Couch Houses of Old Sawmill Homeowner’s Association, which is located south of 87th St. and west of Washington St., requested to be included in the Overnight Parking Program. City staff (Fire, PD, Public Works, TED) reviewed their application and they met all the program requirements.
Staff recommends overnight parking exemptions at the following locations: the south side of Lancaster Cir. between 87th St. and Exeter Ct., the south side of Plymouth Ct., and the east side of Sunderland Ct. Staff recommends issuing 24 hangtags due to the limited availability of on-street parking, which will be distributed by the Couch Houses of Old Sawmill Homeowner’s Association President.
Staff is asking TAB to approve a recommendation to establish Overnight Parking Exemptions for the Couch Houses of Old Sawmill.