Waive the applicable provisions of the Naperville Procurement Code and award Procurement 23-036, Fire Station 10 Overhead Door Replacement - Phase VI and Final, to Allied Door, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $180,487.27 and a 5% contingency (Requires six positive votes)
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
The Department of Public Works - Public Building Operation division (DPW-PBO) is responsible for maintaining 46 vehicular doors located at the City's ten fire stations. This item recommends replacing the doors at Fire Station 10 because of age, the frequent need for maintenance, and number of repairs due to high volume use and weather conditions.
In 2018, the City awarded Contract 18-125 to Allied Door, Inc. for the installation of new vehicular doors at Fire Station 3. The contract included a two-year maintenance plan with three one-year options to extend.
Contract 18-125 was intended to be a pilot (Phase I) to evaluate the selected four-fold doors. The contract also included language to retain the awarded contractor for additional phases if the four-fold doors met performance expectations. Additional phases of overhead door replacements were completed at Fire Stations 2 and 7 in 2019, Fire Stations 4 and 8 in 2020, Fire Stations 1 and 9 in 2021 and Fire Stations 5 and 6 in 2022.
Since the installation in 2018, DPW-PBO and the Fire Department has monitored the performance and not reported any issues with quality or functionality. The doors open in approximately 11 seconds, which ten seconds less than a sectional overhead door. The speed at which the doors open improves response times while at the same time reducing energy and maintenance costs. As part of the original bid award, if the four-fold doors met the desired outcomes, it was the City's intent to update the door systems at the remaining fire stations ...
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