File #: 22-1141    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Change Order Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 9/14/2022 In control: City Manager Procurement Awards
On agenda: 10/1/2022 Final action:
Title: Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 22-002, Street Resurfacing Program - City, to K-Five Construction for an amount not to exceed $12,325.00 and a total award of $4,394,755.00.
Attachments: 1. Change Order 1 & P - C#2581
Related files: 23-0895
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Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 22-002, Street Resurfacing Program - City, to K-Five Construction for an amount not to exceed $12,325.00 and a total award of $4,394,755.00.

DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development

SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, Director

City Council awarded Contract 22-002 to K-Five Construction on June 6, 2022 for an amount not to exceed $4,382,430.00 and a completion date of October 31, 2022. The City currently maintains over 460 centerline miles of roadway through the annual street maintenance program. Roads are vital to our community and ensuring the road network functions efficiently and safely is a priority to the City.

The Transportation, Engineering and Development (TED) Business Group will conduct two street resurfacing program this year. The first program, using state motor fuel tax (MFT) funds, was awarded in April 2022. The second program uses City funds and is the subject of this request. The purpose of this contract is to improve the efficiency and safety of our roadway network

This contract was approved with contingency in the amount of 3% ($131,472.90) of the original contract value and 29 days. Staff requests the use of contingency funds for the change order. A summary of the award and contingency information is provided in the tables below.

This change order is requested to increase striping quantities to include a larger scope at the intersections of Washington/Royce Road and Washington/Naper Boulevard. Based on field conditions the existing striping at these intersections has been worn away. This change order also includes additional shared bike lane symbols at locations throughout town. The additional striping as well as the shared bike lane symbols will improve safe and efficient travels for both vehicles and pedestrians at various locations throughout town.

The amount o...

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