Pass the ordinance granting a variance to the rear yard setback requirement in order to construct a sunroom for the property located at 2843 Fairhauser Court - PZC 20-1-091
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Kathleen Russell, Community Planner
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) considered this matter on October 21, 2020 and voted to recommend approval of the request with a condition that includes the sunroom in the calculation of percentage of the required rear yard that may be occupied by detached accessory structures (approved 6-0). Staff concurs with adopting the condition of approval if the variance is approved.
The subject property is generally located northwest from the intersection of Niswender Dr. and Fairhauser Ct. and is zoned R1B (Medium Density Single-Family Residence District). The property is approximately 9,375 square feet and is improved with a single-family structure.
The petitioner Zach Zielinski, as authorized by the property owners, Shabbir Ahmed and Ismat Jahan, is seeking to construct a sunroom as illustrated on the plat of survey. The petitioner is requesting approval of a variance from Section 6-6B-7:1 of the Naperville Municipal Code to allow the proposed sunroom to encroach approximately 5.5' into the 30' required rear yard setback. If approved, the sunroom would be approximately 12' deep by 12' wide (144 sq.ft. in size); approximately 66 square feet of the proposed sunroom would be located in the required rear yard. The proposed sunroom would be put in the approximate location of an existing patio but with a reduced footprint.
The petitioner's responses to the Standards for Granting a Variance are included in the Development Petition. Staff's comments with respect to the variance standards, based upon a review of the subject property and applicable Code provisions, are as follows:
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