Provide direction regarding options that may be used to address existing non-conforming pole signs located along East Ogden Avenue.
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Allison Laff, AICP, Deputy Director
Not required.
Under new business at the April 17, 2018 City Council meeting, Councilman Coyne directed staff to develop options that may be used to eliminate non-conforming pole signs along East Ogden Avenue (from Washington Street to the City's eastern boundary).
Ordinance History
Pole signs are defined as a type of ground sign which is supported by a pole structure extended from the ground. While pole signs have been largely prohibited in the City since the early 2000s, an exception was created for Ogden Avenue whereby pole signs remained a permitted improvement. However, in 2008, new pole signs were prohibited Citywide, including along Ogden Avenue, and all pole signs in existence at the time of the code amendment were deemed existing non-conforming structures.
Non-Conforming Regulations
Per the Sign Code, the following regulations apply to non-conforming signs:
1. Ordinary repairs and maintenance, including removing and replacing of the outer tenant panels shall be permitted (except in those cases when the revision of the display of commercial speech is due to a change of the business tenant). No structural alterations, or other similar work shall appreciably extend the normal life of the sign.
2. No repair, alteration, or replacement which increases the size of the sign shall be permitted.
3. No sign shall be moved in whole or part to any other location on the same or any other lot unless every portion of such sign is made to conform to all regulations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations of the City.
4. A nonconforming sign which is destroyed or damaged by fire or act of nature to the extent th...
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