Approve the Award of Job Order Contract 17-DPW001 CY17.B, Roof Replacement at Burlington Commuter Station, to F. H. Paschen for an amount not to exceed $211,514.42.
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
On April 18, 2017, City Council approved the award of Job Order Contract 11-082 (JOC) to access the specialty trades offered by F. H. Paschen, JOC contractor for the restoration of the fa?ade masonry, adjacent soffits and fascia at the Burlington commuter station for an amount not to exceed $101,153. The work consisted of removing damaged masonry joints, replacing deteriorated bricks and restoring the adjacent soffit and fascia.
During the roof evaluation performed by the City contracted firm, Weatherproofing Technologies-Tremco, under Procurement 17-035, it was discovered that much of the surface area is deteriorated and water is getting into the substructure. The water leaking into the roof is likely the cause of the rotted areas of soffit and fascia. As such, the train station roof must be replaced before the fa?ade masonry, soffits, and fascia can be restored.
The proposal by F. H. Paschen, our Job Order Contractor is for the removal and replacement of the deteriorated roof at the Burlington Train Station. Once the roof is replaced, the contractor will proceed with the restoration project described above.
CIP #: MB213
Roof Replacement at the Burlington Commuter Station is expensed to the Capital Improvement Program account below. This work must be completed before MB170, Tuck-Point Masonry at Burlington Commuter Station, can begin. This work will include the removal and replacement of the deteriorated roof. This was not budgeted for in CY2017; however, funds are available through program savings from winter operations and daily fee equipment replacement in the Burlington Fun...
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