Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 20-327, LED Light Fixture Conversion, to Graybar, Inc. and Wesco Distribution for an amount not to exceed $510,091.50
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
The Department of Public Works (DPW) established CIP SL137, Citywide LED Street Lighting Conversion, to fund the replacement of all existing streetlights with light-emitting diode (LED) fixtures. The project improves visibility and safety, reduces light pollution and environmental impact through energy reduction, and provides the City with maintenance and re-lamping fee savings. The project is estimated to save $4.56 million over ten years with the payback starting after six years.
The LED conversion project began in 2015 and was divided into three phases. The first phase replaced 1,727 fixtures on arterial streets and was completed in April 2015 at a cost of $590,725. The second phase replaced 6,930 residential street lights and was completed in March 2016 at a cost of $1,525,589.
The final phase began in early 2017 and involves the upgrade of 2,843 specialty streetlights, which include Salem-post tops, Shepherd Crook and parking lot and roadway lighting fixtures. Establishing appropriate fixtures for specialty streetlights is more complicated than prior conversions due to the variety of fixture types and styles. Engineering work to identify suitable LED replacements was completed in 2017, and included evaluation of several LED options along with surveying residents regarding decorative street light fixture preferences.
DPW also established SL125, Capital Upgrade/Replacement of Street Lighting Systems, to fund the upgrade and replacement of concrete street light poles and deteriorated poles with city standard aluminum poles, street light controllers, and to install new uniduct to create a more reliable streetlighting sys...
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