Adopt the resolution of Official Intent for Reimbursement of Capital Projects
DEPARTMENT: Finance Department
SUBMITTED BY: Raymond Munch, Finance Director
The City Council reviewed the proposed 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) as part of the annual budget process. The proposed CIP included $53,900,000 in capital projects without an identifiable funding source for 2025. The proposed budget contemplated the issuance of general obligation bonds to fund various capital projects, including investment in roads, bridges, technology, and utility infrastructure.
On December 3, 2024, the City Council approved the 2025 Budget and affirmed the plan to issue bonds for these unfunded capital projects as needed.
Since 2018, the City has issued debt on a reimbursement basis. By borrowing for capital projects on a reimbursement basis, the City avoids over-borrowing in any one year. By waiting until late in the fiscal year, or even early the following year, staff has an appropriate amount of data to analyze and can project actual spending on capital projects that require debt issuance.
In January, staff seeks approval from the City Council to establish the resolution of Official Intent of Reimbursement to provide authorization to reimburse the City for all capital projects planned for the budget year. Once borrowing needs are defined, staff will work with the City's bond advisor to initiate a bond sale under a timeline that meets the parameters of this reimbursement resolution. An authorizing ordinance is brought to the City Council before any bonds are issued.
The 2025 Budget approved by City Council authorized staff to spend dollars associated with capital projects starting January 1, 2025. Additionally, as part of the same budget approval, Council tentatively authorized staff to pursue issuing bonds for the payment of all unfunded capital projects, ...
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