Conduct the public hearing to consider a major change to the Freedom Commons Planned Unit Development (PUD), a final PUD plat, and a loading deviation to allow a medical office on the subject property located at 1836 Freedom Drive (Freedom Commons Medical Office Building) - PZC 24-1-002
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Anna Franco, Community Planner
1. Major change to the PUD and final PUD plat
2. Deviation to Section 6-9-5 (Schedule of Off-Street Loading Requirements) to reduce the required loading from one space to zero spaces.
Official notice for the public hearing for PZC 24-1-002 was published in the Naperville Sun on Wednesday, March 13, 2024.
The 5.08-acre subject property is located at the intersection of Independence Avenue and Freedom Drive and is commonly known as Lot 13 of the Freedom Commons PUD, which is zoned B2 (Community Shopping Center District). The entire Freedom Commons PUD is approximately 24 acres and is located along Freedom Drive, just south of the I-88 tollway. The PUD consists of 13 buildings comprising approximately 160,000 square-feet of mixed-use development with mainly retail, restaurant, medical, and financial uses, including off-street surface parking and a detention facility. Lot 13 is currently improved with a vacant 45,000 square foot fitness facility and surface parking.
The petitioner, CHP-HSG Naperville, LLC, requests a major change to the Freedom Commons Planned Unit Development, a final PUD plat, and a loading deviation to allow a medical office out-patient facility to occupy the vacant LA fitness building. The applicant is proposing several exterior improvements to the property to accommodate the medical office use, including the addition of a patient drop-off area at the front the building, a patient discharge area on the east side of the buildi...
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