Pass the ordinance approving a major change to the Iroquois Center PUD, a final PUD plat, and a bypass lane deviation for 1163 E Ogden (to be known as 1159 E Ogden Avenue) (Chick-fil-a) - PZC 23-1-110
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Brad Iwicki, Assistant Planner
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) considered PZC 23-1-110 at their March 20, 2024, meeting and voted to recommend approval of a major change to the Iroquois Center PUD, a final PUD plat, and the petitioner's requested bypass lane deviation, while recommending denial of a requested sign deviation (approved 8-0). Staff concurs. Since the PZC meeting, the petitioner has withdrawn the requested sign deviation.
The subject property consists of a 1.697-acre site with frontage along E Ogden Avenue. The site is located within the boundary of a 12.23-acre parcel generally described as the Iroquois Center Planned Unit Development (Iroquois Center) with a common address of 1163 E Ogden Avenue. The Iroquois Center is located north of E Ogden Avenue and west of Iroquois Avenue. It is zoned B3 (General Commercial District) and improved with a shopping center. The southeast portion of the existing shopping center building will be demolished in order to construct a standalone Chick-fil-a restaurant.
The petitioner proposes constructing a 5,025 sq. ft. Chick-fil-a restaurant at the subject property to be addressed 1159 E Ogden Avenue. To do so, the petitioner requests approval of a major change to the Iroquois Center PUD and a Final PUD Plat, and a deviation to the City's bypass lane requirements.
Single-family and multi-family residential subdivisions are located to the west and commercial properties surround the Iroquois Center PUD to the north, south, and east. The City's Land Use Master Plan identifies the future place type of the subject property to be Urban Center. Sta...
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