Approve the award of Procurement 21-238, 2022 West Highlands and Maplebrook East Water Main Replacement - Construction Engineering Services, to Deuchler Engineering, a division of Fehr Graham, for an amount not to exceed $209,900
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
In August 2021, the Water Utility issued a request for proposal, seeking the services of an engineering firm to design and prepare construction documents for the West Highlands and Maplebrook East Water Main Replacement Project. Following the issuance of the RFP, the city manager awarded Contract 21-238 to Deuchler Engineering, a division of Fehr Graham, in the amount of $85,335.
The overall goal of the project is to replace approximately 5,700 feet of aging and deficient water main installed in the 1960s and 1970s, substantially upgrading drinking water safety, service to customers, and overall operational efficiency. Work also includes the replacement of water services, fire hydrants and valve vaults. As part of the RFP, the City included the option to use the services of the successful firm for future phases.
Deuchler completed the engineering design phase as intended, within budget and on time. Project construction was advertised for bid in February 2022 and awarded to J. Congdon Sewer Service on April 5, 2022. The project will be constructed in the summer of 2022.
Two water main replacement projects are planned for the summer of 2022, Park Addition and West Highlands/Maplebrook East. In-house staff will perform construction engineering services for the Park Addition project, which is the more complex of the two projects. Water Utilities will need to utilize an engineering consultant to provide construction engineering services for the West Highlands/Maplebrook East project while the City is in the process of recruiting and onboarding the additional s...
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