Waive the applicable provisions of the Naperville Procurement Code and award Procurement 25-110, Environmental Testing for the South 40 Site, to Gold Wave, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $25,000, plus a 5% contingency, and for a 12-month term (requires 6 positive votes)
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, P.E., Director of Transportation, Engineering and Development/City Engineer
The City owns approximately 22 acres of vacant land located at the southeast corner of Route 59 and 103rd Street, commonly referred to as the Naperville South 40. The City currently has sales agreements with LTF and Gorman to sell approximately 17 acres of the land. The Gorman site will be developed with an affordable housing complex to address a community need. Because of the affordable housing grants Gorman plans to use, the site must be environmentally clean.
The City retained Gold Wave, Inc. to perform Phase I and Phase II environmental testing at the site. There was some isolated soil that was removed from the site and properly disposed of in a licensed landfill. The City subsequently hired Gold Wave to complete testing and documentation such that the City could obtain a No Further Remediation (NFR) letter from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). For Phase I, Phase II, and NFR work the City requested quotes from environmental engineers and Gold Wave Inc. was the lowest vendor.
The earthmoving operations and drainage design of the site require the import of approximately 5,000 cubic yards of material. There is material available in the proposed stormwater management basin adjacent to the Gorman site, but it can only be used if it is tested in accordance with the terms of the NFR. Soil samples will need to be obtained from the basin and tested for the various environmental markers. Based o...
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